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成果|郑淋议副研究员在Food Policy撰文探讨新型农业经营主体与农户耕地撂荒的定量关系

发布日期:2024/03/04 12:56:29 浏览次数:10 信息来源:继续教育管理办公室

近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院郑淋议副研究员独著论文“Big hands holding small hands: The role of new agricultural operating entities in farmland abandonment”在期刊Food Policy在线发表。Food Policy是农业经济学领域的高水平期刊,同时位于经济学大类、农业经济与政策类、营养和膳食领域以及食品科学与技术领域Q1区,最新影响因子6.5。


Zheng L., Big hands holding small hands: The role of new agricultural operating entities in farmland abandonment[J]. Food Policy, 2024, 123:102605.



It is crucial to address farmland abandonment to achieve Zero Hunger according to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. However, quantitative research on this topic is relatively lacking. Based on a large sample of panel data from the Chinese Family Database, this study applies a panel Tobit model to examine the relationship between new agricultural operating entities (NAOEs) and farmland abandonment. The results show that NAOEs—professional operators, family farms, and agricultural cooperatives—are negatively and significantly associated with the ratio of abandoned farmland areas. This effect is achieved through channels such as promoting land leasing, providing technical guidance, and facilitating the sale of agricultural products. Additionally, NAOEs benefit more from China's central and western regions, mountainous areas, villages with better land tenure security, and households with poorer human resource endowments. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers to ensure food security and promote sustainable development by cultivating various large-scale farming entities.



该项研究成果的早期版本曾经在2023全球粮食安全青年科学家论坛(The 2023 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists)以及浙江大学公共管理学院第五届学术年会进行交流,并收到同行专家及与会者的改进建议,作者在这里向他(她)们表达最诚挚的谢意。

据悉,郑淋议副研究员长期深耕农村土地与城乡发展领域,近年来已相继从要素、组织和制度等视角出发,围绕耕地撂荒展开多项研究,相关研究成果见诸Food Policy、Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics、China Agricultural Economic Review、《中国人口·资源与环境》和《地理研究》等国内外学术期刊。






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